Users who have been BANNED with this warning (image above), the ban is currently irreversible. For this the solution at the moment is to use the device linking method . If you didn’t receive this warning or your number is new, you can register normally without using the linking method.
1. Install Official WhatsApp from Play Store and verify your number there.
2. Download the DH WhatsApp clone package and install it.
3. Open DH WhatsApp and click the 3 dots and select Link Device.
4. Take a screenshot of the QR and send it (the screenshot) to another cell phone.
5. Open your Official WhatsApp and select Link a Device (as if you were going to link with WhatsApp Web) and take the QR that you sent on the other cell phone and that’s it.
Note: Linking may not work on the first try, try several times.
Please note the following so that you do not experience failures:
– Your device must have the bootloader locked.
– Your device must be certified on the Play Store.
– You must have the OEM unlock option disabled.
Complete the actions and unlock the link